Change Management Training Program MelbourneChange Management Training Program Melbourne
In the world of business today, change has become more rampant than ever. Whether the change is as small as an implementation of a new work process or as big as a company merger, the manner in which the change is being managed will determine its success or failure. 

Some people find it hard to accept change. For them it is a lot easier to ignore the need for change than embrace it. Thus, in a world where change is the only thing that is constant, people tend to be skeptical and resilient to anything that tries to alter what they've gotten used to.  Therefore, implementing change no matter how small needs to be done carefully and collaboratively. Here are the some tips on how to implement and manage change effectively.  

Make sure to communicate the reason behind the necessity for change. Explain to employees the importance of the change to occur and the perceived benefits. All affected members of the company should be given equal opportunity to voice their concerns and share their thoughts.

It is not wise to implement change at one go unless of course, if there is no other way such as in the case bankruptcy or mass redundancy. Other than that, change must be done in phases or broken down into manageable stages.  In addition, careful monitoring is required for the entire change process in order to assess its impact and success.

 For more information on effective leadership and change management training program in Melbourne, simply visit the Verve Potential website at

PictureEmotional Intelligence Courses Melbourne
Emotional intelligence is your awareness and ability to manage your emotions. People with high levels of emotional intelligence understand their emotions, what they mean and how these feelings affect the people around them. For leaders, having high emotional intelligence is crucial for success. Here are the five essential element of emotional intelligence every leader should know about. 

Self-Awareness – If you are self-aware, you have a clear grasp of your own strengths, weaknesses, emotions and how they affect other people. When you experience strong emotions like anger or frustration, slow down and try to examine why.

Self-regulation – A person who can effectively regulate himself rarely attacks others verbally, make rushed decisions based on emotions, stereotype other people, or compromise his values. Self-regulation also involves flexibility and commitment to your personal accountability.

Motivation – Most managers are generally ambitious. However, leaders who are emotionally intelligent are motivated by an inner drive, something that is beyond money or promotions. They are optimistic and resilient in the face of disappointments. This is why it is never easy to break their spirits and confidence.

Empathy – Leaders who are emphatic are not necessarily easy with employees. However, their understanding and compassion to human nature enables them to emotionally connect with others.

People Skills – A leader who is emotionally intelligent is likely to be respected by their colleagues, staff and bosses. They like people and people like them, too because of their ability to easily build rapport and trust.

Visit the Verve Potential if you wish to know more about emotional intelligence courses in Melbourne,

Picturechange management training program in Melbourne
What are the benefits of implementing change? Change is only one part of the equation. Making sure that employees embrace and adopt the changes being made is really where the realization of benefits occur.  Organizations implement change for a lot of reasons - to be more competitive, cut costs, improve business processes or all of the above. But organizational change needs individual change. If employees fail to embrace the required change, then the benefits will not take effect.  

The benefits of change management depend greatly on how it is applied to a business or organization. With a good change management program, implementing change can be a lot faster, easier and more effective. This can help employees be more comfortable with the changes being made and allow the business to grow. It allows the business to respond faster to the demands of the customers and align their existing resources.

Change management allows the company to assess the impact of change and implement it without negatively affecting the everyday routine of the business. This allows the business to maintain its effectiveness and efficiency throughout the process.  It supports the smooth and easy transition from old practices to the new while maintaining productivity, employee morale and the image of the company as well. 

To find out more about implementing a change management program in Melbourne, simply visit the Verve Potential website at

PictureLeadership Courses Melbourne
 A lot of small companies fail to provide formal manager training to aspiring managers. If an employee does well, he gets promoted. Most small companies believe that training new managers is just another unnecessary expense. So the best performing employees jump in to fill the vacant position and end up managing their own team or project. While some people thrive with this kind of pressure, others simply flounder about badly. This is because you cannot expect employees no matter how good they are to develop managerial skills without giving any formal training.  So, here are three ways to ensure that your new managers will be able to lead the company towards success.  

Provide solid leadership/management development training. This will help new managers to gain the right management skills/people skills needed for effective leadership.

Assign an experienced manager to mentor them. A good mentor or coach will not only show them the ropes, but he will also model good work attitude for new managers to learn. Assign someone who know how to listen and truly cares about the success of prospective supervisors.

If possible, let the new manager work all relevant positions in the company. In this process he can experience different things, work with different people and even make mistakes and learn from them. Training in the jobs can help managers resolve issues on a more applicable and emphatic level. Furthermore, employees are also likely to respond better to someone who they know has been there and done that.

If you are looking for the ideal leadership courses in Melbourne for new managers, simply visit the Verve Potential website at